Directions to us
A simple guide to a look-alike office park
We are located in a one-story brown brick office condo at 1100 Suite #10, Victors Way, Ann Arbor, 48108-5220 across State Street from Briarwood Mall. Our entrance is off Boardwalk, north of the Hampton Inn next to the dumpsters. (So classy!)
From South State St, turn right onto Victors Way at the Mobil Station; make an immediate left onto Boardwalk Dr; turn right into the parking lot just north of the Hampton Inn. #10 will be on your right.
From Eisenhower, turn south onto Boardwalk past Wendy’s; at the American Title sign on your right, turn left into the Hampton Inn parking lot. #10 will be on your right.
By Bus, Room To Talk and The Women’s Center are accessible by the AATA bus. Plan your route at